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MissMaines's Shop

Resources for: -GCSE English Language -Functional Skills English -GCSE Maths -Functional Skills maths -Retrieval Resources (adaptable resources for all subjects)

Resources for: -GCSE English Language -Functional Skills English -GCSE Maths -Functional Skills maths -Retrieval Resources (adaptable resources for all subjects)
Escape room retrieval starter task

Escape room retrieval starter task

Fun, engaging starter task for retrieval. Powerpoint with animations. Retrieval question behind each door. Start by clicking on the green door to reveal the first question. When each question is completed you can click on the key to open the next door. Easily adaptable for your own questions.
Retrieval Grid Starter Task

Retrieval Grid Starter Task

Retrieval grid with range of questions including multiple choice, definitions, and open answers. Powerpoint with two slides. One with retrieval starter task, one with answers and self-assessment. Questions based on GCSE English Language however, EASILY ADAPTABLE FOR ANY SUBJECT.